45+ List of Squirrels Species | Name, Image, Habitats,& Fun Facts.

Welcome to the ultimate guide to squirrels! In this comprehensive list, we’ll delve into over 45 List of Squirrels species from around the globe. 

Get ready to explore their diverse names, admire stunning images, learn about their activities and behaviors, discover unique species characteristics, uncover intriguing squirrel characters, and dive into fun facts that will leave you amazed. 

Whether you’re a squirrel enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply curious about these charismatic creatures, join us on a journey through the enchanting world of squirrels.

List of Squirrels:

  1. Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
  2. American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)
  3. Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)
  4. Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus)
  5. Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus)
  6. Douglas Squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasii)
  7. Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus)
  8. Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans)
  9. California Ground Squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi)
  10. Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)
  11. Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
  12. Japanese Squirrel (Sciurus lis)
  13. Indian Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica)
  14. Prevost’s Squirrel (Callosciurus prevostii)
  15. Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor)
  16. Malabar Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica maxima)
  17. African Tree Squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi)
  18. Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)
  19. Albert’s Squirrel (Sciurus alberti)
  20. Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)
  21. Mexican Fox Squirrel (Sciurus nayaritensis)
  22. Variegated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides)
  23. Abert’s Squirrel (Sciurus aberti)
  24. Columbian Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus)
  25. Wyoming Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus elegans)
  26. Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus)
  27. Rock Squirrel (Otospermophilus variegatus)
  28. Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)
  29. Western Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)
  30. Mearn’s Squirrel (Tamiasciurus mearnsi)
  31. Yunnan Red-bellied Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus yerbabuenae)
  32. Pallas’s Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus)
  33. Dremomys pernyi
  34. Callosciurus baluensis
  35. Spermophilus armatus
  36. Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)
  37. Indian Three Striped Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum tristriatus)
  38. Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus)
  39. Gunnison’s Prairie Dog (Cynomys gunnisoni)
  40. White-tailed Antelope Squirrel (Ammospermophilus leucurus)
  41. Harris’s Antelope Squirrel (Ammospermophilus harrisii)
  42. Mexican Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys mexicanus)
  43. Spotted Ground Squirrel (Xerus inauris)
  44. Gambian Sun Squirrel (Heliosciurus gambianus)
  45. Tree Squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi)
  46. Northern Palm Squirrel (Funambulus pennantii)
  47. Madagascar Ground Squirrel (Geosciurus murinus)
  48. Tamiops swinhoei
  49. Tamiops maritimus
  50. Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor)

Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)

Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Image
  • Name: Grayson
  • Habitat: Found in woodlands, urban parks, and suburban areas of eastern North America.
  • Activities: Grayson enjoys foraging for nuts, seeds, and fruits. He’s an agile climber and can often be spotted darting across tree branches or scampering along the ground.
  • Species: Sciurus carolinensis
  • Character: Curious and adaptable, Grayson is known for his mischievous antics, particularly his talent for raiding bird feeders.
  • Fun Fact: Eastern Gray Squirrels are incredibly adaptable and have been introduced to several regions around the world, including Europe and South Africa.

American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)

American Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) Image
  • Name: Rusty
  • Habitat: Inhabits coniferous forests of North America.
  • Activities: Rusty is highly territorial and fiercely defends his territory. He’s known for his distinctive chattering calls and impressive leaping abilities.
  • Species: Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
  • Character: Energetic and vigilant, Rusty is always on the lookout for intruders in his territory.
  • Fun Fact: Despite their small size, American Red Squirrels have been observed taking on much larger intruders, including birds and even small mammals.

Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)

Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) Image
  • Name: Felix
  • Habitat: Thrives in woodlands, urban parks, and suburban areas across North America.
  • Activities: Felix is a skilled climber with striking rust-colored fur. He enjoys burying nuts for later consumption and exploring his surroundings.
  • Species: Sciurus niger
  • Character: Bold and inquisitive, Felix is always ready to investigate new sights and sounds.
  • Fun Fact: Fox Squirrels are the largest tree squirrels in North America, capable of leaping impressive distances between trees.

Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus)

Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus) Image
  • Habitat: Inhabits woodlands, forests, and suburban gardens of eastern North America.
  • Activities: Charlie is a busy chipmunk, constantly gathering and storing food in his cheek pouches. He’s known for his quick movements and distinctive striped appearance.
  • Species: Tamias striatus
  • Character: Industrious and resourceful, Charlie is always prepared for any challenges that come his way.
  • Fun Fact: Eastern Chipmunks are solitary creatures but are known to communicate with each other through various vocalizations and scent markings.

Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus)

Western Gray Squirrel (Sciurus griseus) Image
  • Name: Willow
  • Habitat: Found in oak woodlands and coniferous forests of western North America.
  • Activities: Willow spends her days exploring the forest canopy, searching for acorns and pine nuts. She’s an adept climber and enjoys basking in the sun on tree branches.
  • Species: Sciurus griseus
  • Character: Graceful and independent, Willow is known for her calm demeanor and keen sense of observation.
  • Fun Fact: Western Gray Squirrels are an important part of their ecosystem, as they play a role in seed dispersal and forest regeneration.

Douglas Squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasii)

Douglas Squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasii) Image
  • Name: Dexter
  • Habitat: Inhabits coniferous forests of western North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Activities: Dexter is a lively squirrel, often seen darting among the branches of fir and pine trees. He’s territorial and vocal, frequently emitting a series of rapid chirps to communicate with other squirrels.
  • Species: Tamiasciurus douglasii
  • Character: Spirited and vocal, Dexter is a true forest enthusiast, always exploring new nooks and crannies in his woodland home.
  • Fun Fact: Douglas Squirrels are known for their unique vocalizations, which include a variety of chirps, chatters, and barks used for communication and territory defense.

Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus)

Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) Image
  • Name: Nala
  • Habitat: Inhabits coniferous and mixed forests across North America, from Alaska to the northeastern United States.
  • Activities: Nala is a nocturnal adventurer, gliding effortlessly through the forest canopy in search of fungi, seeds, and insects. She has large, patagium-like membranes that enable her to glide from tree to tree.
  • Species: Glaucomys sabrinus
  • Character: Mysterious and elusive, Nala is a creature of the night, venturing out under the cover of darkness to explore her woodland domain.
  • Fun Fact: Northern Flying Squirrels are expert gliders, capable of covering distances of up to 150 feet (45 meters) in a single glide.

Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans)

Southern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys volans) Image
  • Name: Sasha
  • Habitat: Inhabits deciduous and mixed forests of eastern North America.
  • Activities: Sasha is a sociable squirrel, often seen gliding gracefully through the forest at night with her fellow flying squirrels. She feeds on a variety of nuts, seeds, and insects.
  • Species: Glaucomys volans
  • Character: Sociable and graceful, Sasha enjoys the company of her fellow flying squirrels and is always up for a nighttime adventure.
  • Fun Fact: Southern Flying Squirrels are known for their communal nesting habits, often sharing tree cavities with other squirrels for warmth and protection.

California Ground Squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi)

California Ground Squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi) Image
  • Name: Chester
  • Habitat: Found in grasslands, meadows, and scrublands of western North America, particularly in California.
  • Activities: Chester is a busy squirrel, often spotted foraging for seeds, fruits, and vegetation. He’s wary of predators and has a network of burrows where he can retreat to safety.
  • Species: Otospermophilus beecheyi
  • Character: Vigilant and industrious, Chester is always on high alert, scanning his surroundings for potential threats.
  • Fun Fact: California Ground Squirrels are known for their intricate burrow systems, which can include multiple entrances and chambers for nesting and storage.

Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii)

Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii) Image
  • Name: Aurora
  • Habitat: Inhabits tundra and alpine meadows of North America, particularly in the Arctic and subarctic regions.
  • Activities: Aurora is a resilient squirrel, braving the harsh conditions of the Arctic landscape. She spends her brief summer months foraging for food and fattening up for the long winter hibernation.
  • Species: Spermophilus parryii
  • Character: Hardy and resourceful, Aurora embodies the spirit of survival in one of the most challenging environments on Earth.
  • Fun Fact: Arctic Ground Squirrels are true hibernators, entering a state of torpor for up to 8 months of the year to conserve energy during the cold winter months.

Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Image
  • Name: Ruby
  • Habitat: Found in forests, woodlands, and urban parks across Europe and Asia.
  • Activities: Ruby is a lively squirrel, bounding through the branches of oak and beech trees in search of nuts and seeds. She’s known for her striking red fur and bushy tail.
  • Species: Sciurus vulgaris
  • Character: Agile and spirited, Ruby brings a burst of color to the European landscape with her vibrant red coat.
  • Fun Fact: Eurasian Red Squirrels are facing increasing competition from introduced species such as the Eastern Gray Squirrel, leading to declines in some regions.

Japanese Squirrel (Sciurus lis)

  • Name: Jun
  • Habitat: Inhabits forests and woodlands across Japan, from lowland areas to mountainous regions.
  • Activities: Jun is an agile climber, navigating the dense foliage of Japanese cedar and hinoki cypress trees with ease. He’s known for his sleek gray fur and distinctive ear tufts.
  • Species: Sciurus lis
  • Character: Graceful and serene, Jun embodies the tranquility of Japan’s forests, where he spends his days foraging for seeds and fruits.
  • Fun Fact: Japanese Squirrels are considered a symbol of good luck in Japanese folklore and are often depicted in traditional art and literature.

Indian Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica)

Indian Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica) Image
  • Name: Indira
  • Habitat: Inhabits forests and woodlands across the Indian subcontinent, from the Western Ghats to the eastern Himalayas.
  • Activities: Indira is a majestic sight, with her large size and vibrant coat of fur. She spends her days high in the forest canopy, feasting on fruits, nuts, and leaves.
  • Species: Ratufa indica
  • Character: Regal and elusive, Indira captivates all who catch a glimpse of her as she moves gracefully through the treetops.
  • Fun Fact: Indian Giant Squirrels are known for their impressive leaps, which can span distances of up to 6 meters (20 feet) between trees.

Prevost’s Squirrel (Callosciurus prevostii)

  • Name: Pasca
  • Habitat: Found in tropical forests and mangrove swamps across Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.
  • Activities: Pascal is a nimble squirrel, often seen darting among the branches of towering trees in search of fruits, seeds, and insects. He’s known for his striking orange-red coat and bushy tail.
  • Species: Callosciurus prevostii
  • Character: Energetic and sociable, Pascal enjoys the company of other squirrels and is often found in small groups.
  • Fun Fact: Prevost’s Squirrels are expert climbers, capable of scaling vertical tree trunks with ease using their sharp claws and strong hind legs.

Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor)

  • Name: Midnight
  • Habitat: Inhabits rainforests and dense woodlands of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
  • Activities: Midnight is a shadowy figure amidst the dense foliage of the forest canopy. Despite his large size, he moves with remarkable agility as he searches for fruits, seeds, and tender shoots.
  • Species: Ratufa bicolor
  • Character: Mysterious and elusive, Midnight is rarely seen by humans, preferring to remain hidden among the leafy branches of his rainforest home.
  • Fun Fact: Black Giant Squirrels are the largest squirrels in Asia, with some individuals reaching lengths of up to 1 meter (3 feet) from nose to tail.

Malabar Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica maxima)

Malabar Giant Squirrel (Ratufa indica maxima) Image
  • Name: Maya
  • Habitat: Endemic to the Western Ghats of India, inhabiting dense rainforests and montane forests.
  • Activities: Maya is a stunning sight, with her vibrant coat of fur and long, bushy tail. She spends her days foraging for fruits, nuts, and leaves high in the forest canopy.
  • Species: Ratufa indica maxima
  • Character: Graceful and agile, Maya moves with effortless grace through the towering trees of the Western Ghats.
  • Fun Fact: Malabar Giant Squirrels play a crucial role in seed dispersal within their forest habitat, helping to maintain the diversity of plant species.

African Tree Squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi)

  • Name: Zara
  • Habitat: Found in woodlands and savannas across sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal to Ethiopia and down to South Africa.
  • Activities: Zara is a lively squirrel, often seen darting among the branches of acacia trees in search of seeds, fruits, and insects. She’s known for her agility and quick reflexes.
  • Species: Paraxerus cepapi
  • Character: Agile and resourceful, Zara navigates the diverse landscapes of Africa with ease, adapting to the challenges of her environment.
  • Fun Fact: African Tree Squirrels are known for their vocalizations, which include a variety of chirps, barks, and whistles used for communication with other squirrels.

Eurasian Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

  • Name: Ruby
  • Habitat: Found in forests, woodlands, and urban parks across Europe and Asia.
  • Activities: Ruby is a lively squirrel, bounding through the branches of oak and beech trees in search of nuts and seeds. She’s known for her striking red fur and bushy tail.
  • Species: Sciurus vulgaris
  • Character: Agile and spirited, Ruby brings a burst of color to the European landscape with her vibrant red coat.
  • Fun Fact: Eurasian Red Squirrels are facing increasing competition from introduced species such as the Eastern Gray Squirrel, leading to declines in some regions.

Albert’s Squirrel (Sciurus alberti)

  • Name: Albie
  • Habitat: Inhabits pine-oak forests and montane habitats of Mexico and Central America.
  • Activities: Albie is a skilled climber, often seen scampering among the branches of pine and oak trees in search of pinecones, nuts, and seeds. He’s known for his sleek gray fur and bushy tail.
  • Species: Sciurus alberti
  • Character: Agile and adaptable, Albie navigates the diverse landscapes of his habitat with ease, using his keen senses to locate food and avoid predators.
  • Fun Fact: Albert’s Squirrels play an important role in the ecosystem by dispersing the seeds of pine and oak trees, helping to regenerate forests.

Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis)

Arizona Gray Squirrel (Sciurus arizonensis) Image
  • Name: Asher
  • Habitat: Found in pine-oak forests and woodlands of Arizona and New Mexico, USA.
  • Activities: Asher is a cautious squirrel, often seen perched high in the branches of ponderosa pine trees, scanning his surroundings for signs of danger. He feeds on a variety of nuts, seeds, and fruits.
  • Species: Sciurus arizonensis
  • Character: Vigilant and alert, Asher is always on guard, ready to flee at the slightest hint of danger.
  • Fun Fact: Arizona Gray Squirrels are known for their intricate nests, which they build high in the branches of trees using twigs, leaves, and moss.

Mexican Fox Squirrel (Sciurus nayaritensis)

  • Name: Mateo
  • Habitat: Inhabits pine-oak forests and montane habitats of Mexico, particularly in the Sierra Madre Occidental.
  • Activities: Mateo is a lively squirrel, often seen bounding through the branches of oak and pine trees in search of acorns, pinecones, and berries. He’s known for his reddish-brown fur and long, bushy tail.
  • Species: Sciurus nayaritensis
  • Character: Energetic and curious, Mateo explores his forest habitat with boundless enthusiasm, always on the lookout for new discoveries.
  • Fun Fact: Mexican Fox Squirrels are skilled climbers and are known to perform impressive acrobatic feats as they navigate the treetops.

Variegated Squirrel (Sciurus variegatoides)

  • Name: Violet
  • Habitat: Found in tropical forests and montane habitats of Central America, from southern Mexico to Panama.
  • Activities: Violet is a playful squirrel, often seen swinging from the branches of fruit-bearing trees in search of bananas, mangoes, and figs. She’s known for her colorful fur and agile movements.
  • Species: Sciurus variegatoides
  • Character: Playful and sociable, Violet enjoys the company of other squirrels and is often found in small groups.
  • Fun Fact: Variegated Squirrels are important seed dispersers in their habitat, helping to maintain the diversity of plant species.

Abert’s Squirrel (Sciurus aberti)

  • Name: Aspen
  • Habitat: Inhabits ponderosa pine forests and woodlands of the southwestern United States, including Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado.
  • Activities: Aspen is a cautious squirrel, often seen foraging for pinecones and pine nuts on the forest floor or high in the branches of ponderosa pine trees. He’s known for his grayish-brown fur and tufted ears.
  • Species: Sciurus aberti
  • Character: Reserved and solitary, Aspen prefers the solitude of the forest and is rarely seen in the company of other squirrels.
  • Fun Fact: Abert’s Squirrels are named after American naturalist John James Abert and are also known as tassel-eared squirrels due to their distinctive ear tufts.

Columbian Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus)

  • Name: Cody
  • Habitat: Found in alpine meadows and grasslands of western North America, from British Columbia to Colorado.
  • Activities: Cody is a sociable squirrel, often seen in large colonies digging burrows and foraging for grasses, seeds, and insects. He’s known for his grayish-brown fur and short, bushy tail.
  • Species: Urocitellus columbianus
  • Character: Sociable and industrious, Cody works with his fellow ground squirrels to maintain their burrow systems and gather food for the colony.
  • Fun Fact: Columbian Ground Squirrels are true hibernators, entering a state of torpor for up to 8 months of the year to conserve energy during the cold winter months.

Wyoming Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus elegans)

  • Name: Willow
  • Habitat: Inhabits grasslands and sagebrush plains of western North America, including Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.
  • Activities: Willow is a curious squirrel, often seen basking in the sun on rocky outcrops or foraging for seeds and insects in the grasslands. She’s known for her sandy-colored fur and short tail.
  • Species: Urocitellus elegans
  • Character: Independent and resourceful, Willow navigates the open landscapes of her habitat with confidence, using her keen senses to detect potential threats.
  • Fun Fact: Wyoming Ground Squirrels are known for their elaborate burrow systems, which can include multiple entrances and interconnected tunnels for safety and shelter.

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus)

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus)
  • Name: Theo
  • Habitat: Found in grasslands and prairies of North America, from Canada to Mexico.
  • Activities: Theo is a busy squirrel, often seen darting among the grasses and burrows of his prairie habitat. He feeds on a variety of seeds, insects, and vegetation.
  • Species: Ictidomys tridecemlineatus
  • Character: Energetic and inquisitive, Theo is always exploring his surroundings and gathering food for his burrow.
  • Fun Fact: Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels are named for the thirteen dark and light stripes that run along their back and sides.

Rock Squirrel (Otospermophilus variegatus)

  • Name: Rosie
  • Habitat: Inhabits rocky areas and canyons of western North America, from Mexico to Utah and Arizona.
  • Activities: Rosie is a skilled climber, often seen perched on rocky outcrops or scurrying along canyon walls in search of seeds, nuts, and fruits.
  • Species: Otospermophilus variegatus
  • Character: Bold and adventurous, Rosie isn’t afraid to explore the rugged terrain of her desert home in search of food and shelter.
  • Fun Fact: Rock Squirrels are important prey for many predators, including birds of prey, snakes, and carnivorous mammals.

Eastern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)

  • Name: Elliot
  • Habitat: Thrives in woodlands, urban parks, and suburban areas across eastern North America.
  • Activities: Elliot is a charismatic squirrel, often seen bounding through the trees or foraging for nuts and seeds on the forest floor. He’s known for his reddish-brown fur and bushy tail.
  • Species: Sciurus niger
  • Character: Sociable and playful, Elliot enjoys the company of other squirrels and is often found in small groups.
  • Fun Fact: Eastern Fox Squirrels are excellent climbers and can leap up to 10 feet between tree branches.

Western Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger)

  • Name: Willow
  • Habitat: Found in woodlands, urban parks, and suburban areas across western North America.
  • Activities: Willow is an agile squirrel, often seen scampering through the branches of oak and pine trees or raiding bird feeders in search of nuts and seeds.
  • Species: Sciurus niger
  • Character: Resourceful and adaptable, Willow is well-suited to the diverse habitats of her western range.
  • Fun Fact: Western Fox Squirrels are known for their striking color variations, which can range from gray to black to reddish-brown.

Mearn’s Squirrel (Tamiasciurus mearnsi)

  • Name: Milo
  • Habitat: Inhabits pine-oak forests and woodlands of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
  • Activities: Milo is a curious squirrel, often seen exploring the branches of ponderosa pine and Douglas fir trees in search of pinecones, seeds, and insects.
  • Species: Tamiasciurus mearnsi
  • Character: Agile and alert, Milo is always on the lookout for predators and other potential threats in his forest habitat.
  • Fun Fact: Mearn’s Squirrels are named after American ornithologist Edgar Alexander Mearns, who collected the first specimens in Arizona in the late 19th century.

Yunnan Red-bellied Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus yerbabuenae)

  • Name: Ying
  • Habitat: Found in forests and woodlands of Yunnan province in southwestern China.
  • Activities: Ying is a nimble squirrel, often seen darting among the branches of bamboo and evergreen trees in search of fruits, seeds, and insects.
  • Species: Callosciurus erythraeus yerbabuenae
  • Character: Agile and elusive, Ying blends seamlessly into the lush vegetation of her forest home, using her quick reflexes to evade predators.
  • Fun Fact: Yunnan Red-bellied Squirrels are known for their vibrant reddish-brown fur and distinctive white belly markings.

Pallas’s Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus)

Pallas's Squirrel (Callosciurus erythraeus) Image
  • Name: Pasha
  • Habitat: Inhabits forests and woodlands across Asia, from India to China and Southeast Asia.
  • Activities: Pasha is an agile climber, often seen leaping from branch to branch in search of fruits, nuts, and tender shoots. He’s known for his reddish-brown fur and bushy tail.
  • Species: Callosciurus erythraeus
  • Character: Playful and energetic, Pasha enjoys the freedom of the treetops, where he can explore his forest habitat to his heart’s content.
  • Fun Fact: Pallas’s Squirrels are important seed dispersers in their habitat, helping to maintain the diversity of plant species.

Dremomys pernyi

  • Name: Dottie
  • Habitat: Found in forests and montane habitats of Southeast Asia, including China, Vietnam, and Laos.
  • Activities: Dottie is a cautious squirrel, often seen foraging for fruits, seeds, and insects among the dense undergrowth of her forest habitat. She’s known for her grayish-brown fur and short, bushy tail.
  • Species: Dremomys pernyi
  • Character: Reserved and observant, Dottie is always on the lookout for potential predators and other dangers in her environment.
  • Fun Fact: Dremomys pernyi, also known as Perny’s Long-tailed Squirrel, is named after French naturalist Claude Perny, who collected the first specimens in Vietnam in the 19th century.

Callosciurus baluensis

  • Name: Callie
  • Habitat: Inhabits forests and woodlands of Borneo, particularly in the Malaysian state of Sabah.
  • Activities: Callie is an agile squirrel, often seen leaping from tree to tree in search of fruits, seeds, and insects. She’s known for her reddish-brown fur and long, bushy tail.
  • Species: Callosciurus baluensis
  • Character: Adventurous and spirited, Callie explores the dense rainforests of Borneo with boundless enthusiasm, always eager to discover new sights and smells.
  • Fun Fact: Callosciurus baluensis is named after Mount Kinabalu, also known as Balu in the local Dusun language, where it was first discovered.

Spermophilus armatus

  • Name: Spike
  • Habitat: Found in grasslands and prairies of North America, from Canada to Mexico.
  • Activities: Spike is a vigilant squirrel, often seen standing guard near his burrow entrance or foraging for seeds and insects in the grasslands. He’s known for his sandy-colored fur and short tail.
  • Species: Spermophilus armatus
  • Character: Alert and territorial, Spike defends his burrow from intruders and other ground squirrels, using his sharp claws and teeth to protect his territory.
  • Fun Fact: Spermophilus armatus is also known as the Wyoming Ground Squirrel, named after the state where it was first described.

Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)

  • Name: Indy
  • Habitat: Found in urban areas, parks, and gardens across India and Sri Lanka.
  • Activities: Indy is a cheeky squirrel, often seen darting among the trees and buildings in search of food scraps and tasty treats. He’s known for his gray fur and distinctive stripes.
  • Species: Funambulus palmarum
  • Character: Curious and acrobatic, Indy is a common sight in cities and towns across the Indian subcontinent, where he entertains residents and tourists alike with his playful antics.
  • Fun Fact: Indian Palm Squirrels are excellent climbers and can often be seen scampering up trees or along power lines in search of food.

Indian Three Striped Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum tristriatus)

Indian Three Striped Palm Squirre Image
  • Name: Iris
  • Habitat: Found in urban areas, parks, and gardens across India and Sri Lanka.
  • Activities: Iris is an energetic squirrel, often seen bounding through the trees and bushes in search of fruits, nuts, and insects. She’s known for her three distinct stripes running along her back.
  • Species: Funambulus palmarum tristriatus
  • Character: Playful and sociable, Iris enjoys the company of other squirrels and can often be found grooming and socializing with her companions.
  • Fun Fact: Indian Three Striped Palm Squirrels are common residents of urban areas and are known for their adaptability to human environments.

Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus)

  • Name: Buck
  • Habitat: Inhabits grasslands and prairies of North America, from Canada to Mexico.
  • Activities: Buck is a social squirrel, often seen in large colonies called “towns” where he digs burrows and forages for grasses, seeds, and insects.
  • Species: Cynomys ludovicianus
  • Character: Sociable and industrious, Buck works with his fellow prairie dogs to maintain their burrow systems and keep watch for predators.
  • Fun Fact: Black-tailed Prairie Dogs are highly social animals and communicate with each other through a variety of vocalizations and body movements.

Gunnison’s Prairie Dog (Cynomys gunnisoni)

  • Name: Ginger
  • Habitat: Found in grasslands and prairies of western North America, particularly in Colorado, Utah, and Arizona.
  • Activities: Ginger is a curious squirrel, often seen popping in and out of her burrow entrance or standing on her hind legs to survey her surroundings. She feeds on a variety of grasses, seeds, and insects.
  • Species: Cynomys gunnisoni
  • Character: Inquisitive and alert, Ginger keeps a watchful eye on her prairie habitat, always ready to sound the alarm at the first sign of danger.
  • Fun Fact: Gunnison’s Prairie Dogs are named after American naturalist Josiah Gregg, who first described them during his exploration of the American West in the 19th century.

White-tailed Antelope Squirrel (Ammospermophilus leucurus)

  • Name: Willow
  • Habitat: Inhabits desert scrub and arid grasslands of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
  • Activities: Willow is an agile squirrel, often seen darting among the rocks and shrubs of her desert habitat in search of seeds, insects, and cactus fruits.
  • Species: Ammospermophilus leucurus
  • Character: Resourceful and resilient, Willow thrives in the harsh desert environment, using her keen senses to locate food and avoid predators.
  • Fun Fact: White-tailed Antelope Squirrels are named for their habit of standing on their hind legs and darting away at high speeds, similar to the behavior of pronghorn antelopes.

Harris’s Antelope Squirrel (Ammospermophilus harrisii)

  • Name: Hank
  • Habitat: Inhabits desert scrub and arid grasslands of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico.
  • Activities: Hank is a nimble squirrel, often seen darting among the rocks and shrubs of his desert habitat in search of seeds, insects, and cactus fruits.
  • Species: Ammospermophilus harrisii
  • Character: Energetic and vigilant, Hank keeps a watchful eye on his surroundings, always ready to flee at the first sign of danger.
  • Fun Fact: Harris’s Antelope Squirrels are named for their agile movements and antelope-like bounding behavior when startled.

Mexican Ground Squirrel (Ictidomys mexicanus)

  • Name: Marisol
  • Habitat: Found in grasslands and scrublands of Mexico and the southwestern United States.
  • Activities: Marisol is a curious squirrel, often seen exploring the grassy plains and rocky outcrops of her habitat in search of seeds, nuts, and insects.
  • Species: Ictidomys mexicanus
  • Character: Resourceful and adaptable, Marisol thrives in the diverse landscapes of her range, using her keen senses to locate food and avoid predators.
  • Fun Fact: Mexican Ground Squirrels are important prey for many predators, including birds of prey, snakes, and carnivorous mammals.

SpotSpotted Ground Squirrel (Xerus inauris)

  • Habitat: Inhabits savannas and grasslands of southern Africa, particularly in Namibia and Botswana.
  • Activities: Spot is a cautious squirrel, often seen foraging for seeds and insects in the tall grasses of her habitat or seeking shelter in underground burrows.
  • Species: Xerus inauris
  • Character: Agile and alert, Spot relies on her keen senses of sight and hearing to detect potential threats in the open savanna.
  • Fun Fact: Spotted Ground Squirrels are named for the distinctive white spots that adorn their fur, which provide camouflage in the dappled light of the savanna.

Gambian Sun Squirrel (Heliosciurus gambianus)

Gambian Sun Squirrel (Heliosciurus gambianus) Image
  • Name: Sunny
  • Habitat: Found in forests and woodlands of West Africa, including Gambia, Senegal, and Guinea.
  • Activities: Sunny is a lively squirrel, often seen bounding through the trees in search of fruits, nuts, and insects. She’s known for her reddish-brown fur and bushy tail.
  • Species: Heliosciurus gambianus
  • Character: Playful and sociable, Sunny enjoys the warmth of the sunlight filtering through the forest canopy as she explores her habitat.
  • Fun Fact: Gambian Sun Squirrels are named for their habit of basking in the sunlight on tree branches, where they can often be seen grooming and socializing with other squirrels.

Tree Squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi)

  • Name: Tessa
  • Habitat: Found in woodlands and savannas of sub-Saharan Africa, including Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.
  • Activities: Tessa is an agile climber, often seen leaping from branch to branch in search of fruits, nuts, and insects. She’s known for her gray fur and long, bushy tail.
  • Species: Paraxerus cepapi
  • Character: Energetic and resourceful, Tessa navigates the dense vegetation of her habitat with ease, using her sharp claws and keen senses to locate food and avoid predators.
  • Fun Fact: Tree Squirrels are important prey for many predators in their habitat, including birds of prey, snakes, and carnivorous mammals.

Northern Palm Squirrel (Funambulus pennantii)

  • Name: Niko
  • Habitat: Found in urban areas, parks, and gardens across northern India and Nepal.
  • Activities: Niko is a cheeky squirrel, often seen scampering among the trees and buildings in search of food scraps and tasty treats. He’s known for his gray fur and bushy tail.
  • Species: Funambulus pennantii
  • Character: Curious and acrobatic, Niko is a common sight in cities and towns across northern India, where he entertains residents and tourists alike with his playful antics.
  • Fun Fact: Northern Palm Squirrels are excellent climbers and can often be seen scampering up trees or along power lines in search of food.

Madagascar Ground Squirrel (Geosciurus murinus)

  • Name: Milo
  • Habitat: Inhabits forests and woodlands of Madagascar, particularly in the eastern rainforests.
  • Activities: Milo is a cautious squirrel, often seen foraging for fruits, seeds, and insects among the leaf litter of his forest habitat. He’s known for his reddish-brown fur and short, bushy tail.
  • Species: Geosciurus murinus
  • Character: Reserved and observant, Milo is always on the lookout for potential predators and other dangers in his environment.
  • Fun Fact: Madagascar Ground Squirrels play an important role in the ecosystem by dispersing the seeds of trees and plants, helping to regenerate the forest.

Tamiops swinhoei

  • Name: Theo
  • Habitat: Found in forests and woodlands of East Asia, including China, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
  • Activities: Theo is an agile squirrel, often seen leaping from tree to tree in search of fruits, nuts, and insects. He’s known for his reddish-brown fur and long, bushy tail.
  • Species: Tamiops swinhoei
  • Character: Energetic and curious, Theo explores the dense forests of his range with boundless enthusiasm, always eager to discover new sights and smells.
  • Fun Fact: Tamiops swinhoei is named after British naturalist Robert Swinhoe, who collected the first specimens in Taiwan in the 19th century.

Tamiops maritimus

  • Name: Tilly
  • Habitat: Inhabits forests and woodlands of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.
  • Activities: Tilly is a nimble squirrel, often seen darting among the branches of bamboo and evergreen trees in search of fruits, seeds, and insects.
  • Species: Tamiops maritimus
  • Character: Agile and elusive, Tilly blends seamlessly into the lush vegetation of her forest home, using her quick reflexes to evade predators.
  • Fun Fact: Tamiops maritimus is known for its distinctive coloration, with grayish-brown fur on its back and a white belly.

Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor)

Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor) Image
  • Name: Boris
  • Habitat: Inhabits forests and woodlands of Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.
  • Activities: Boris is a majestic squirrel, often seen high in the canopy of tropical rainforests, where he feeds on fruits, nuts, and tender leaves.
  • Species: Ratufa bicolor
  • Character: Regal and dignified, Boris commands attention with his large size and striking black fur, which contrasts beautifully with his white belly.
  • Fun Fact: Black Giant Squirrels are one of the largest squirrel species in the world, with some individuals reaching lengths of over 3 feet from head to tail.

In conclusion, 

Squirrels are fascinating creatures that exhibit incredible diversity in their species, habitats, behaviors, and adaptations. From the iconic Eastern Gray Squirrel to the majestic Black Giant Squirrel, each species has its own unique characteristics and traits that make it well-suited to its environment. 

Whether it’s the acrobatic antics of the Southern Flying Squirrel or the ground-dwelling lifestyle of the California Ground Squirrel, squirrels have evolved a wide range of behaviors to survive and thrive in various ecosystems around the world.

Throughout this exploration, we’ve encountered squirrels with charming personalities, such as adventurous Callie, vigilant Spike, and playful Indy. We’ve also learned about their habitats, ranging from lush rainforests to arid deserts, and their activities, from tree-climbing to burrow-digging. 

Additionally, we’ve discovered fun facts about these furry creatures, such as their ability to glide through the air, their importance as seed dispersers, and their clever adaptations for survival.

As stewards of the natural world, it’s important for us to appreciate and protect the diverse habitats that squirrels call home. By learning more about these enchanting animals and the ecosystems they inhabit, we can work towards ensuring their continued existence for generations to come. So, whether you’re admiring a squirrel scampering through the trees or observing one foraging in your backyard, take a moment to marvel at the wonder of these remarkable creatures.


What are the different types of squirrels in the world?

Squirrels are a diverse group of rodents belonging to the family Sciuridae. They can be broadly categorized into tree squirrels, ground squirrels, and flying squirrels. Within these categories, there are numerous species, each with its own unique characteristics and adaptations.

How can I distinguish between different squirrel species?

Squirrel species can be distinguished based on various characteristics such as size, coloration, tail shape, habitat, behavior, and geographic location. Field guides, online resources, and consulting with experts can help in identifying different squirrel species.

Which squirrel types are native to North America?

North America is home to several squirrel species, including the Eastern Gray Squirrel, American Red Squirrel, Fox Squirrel, Douglas Squirrel, Northern Flying Squirrel, Southern Flying Squirrel, California Ground Squirrel, and various others, depending on the specific region.

Are there any endangered species of squirrels?

Yes, some squirrel species are endangered or threatened due to habitat loss, fragmentation, pollution, and other human-induced factors. Examples include the San Joaquin Antelope Squirrel and the Mount Graham Red Squirrel in North America, as well as various species in other parts of the world.

Where do different squirrel species live? (habitats)

Squirrel species inhabit a wide range of habitats, including forests, woodlands, grasslands, savannas, urban areas, and deserts. Their specific habitat preferences vary depending on the species, with some preferring dense forests, while others thrive in open grasslands or urban environments.

What are the key differences between tree squirrels and ground squirrels?

Tree squirrels, as the name suggests, spend most of their time in trees and are adapted for climbing. They typically have slender bodies, long tails, and strong claws for gripping branches. Ground squirrels, on the other hand, primarily live on the ground and dig burrows for shelter. They tend to have stouter bodies, shorter tails, and powerful digging claws.

How do flying squirrels differ from other types of squirrels?

Flying squirrels have a unique adaptation that allows them to glide between trees using a membrane of skin called a patagium stretched between their front and hind limbs. This sets them apart from other squirrels, which lack this membrane and cannot glide.

Which squirrel species is the largest? The smallest?

The Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor) holds the title for the largest squirrel species, with individuals reaching lengths of over 3 feet. The smallest squirrel species include the African Pygmy Squirrel (Myosciurus pumilio) and the African Dwarf Squirrel (Protoxerus stangeri), which are both less than 10 centimeters in length.

How have squirrels adapted to different environments?

Squirrels have evolved a range of adaptations to survive in diverse environments. For example, tree squirrels have sharp claws and agile bodies for climbing, ground squirrels have powerful digging abilities and excellent burrowing instincts, and flying squirrels have specialized membranes for gliding through the air. Additionally, squirrels in colder climates may have thicker fur coats for insulation, while those in arid regions may have specialized kidneys for conserving water. These adaptations allow squirrels to thrive in a variety of habitats around the world.

About Sabrina Tulip

I'm Sabrina Tulip, and I have a deep passion for all things animal world. I'm committed to helping others who loves wild animals. Reach out to me at sabrina@animallists.com for gardening advice and tips. Let's make the world a little greener together!

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