How to keep squirrels out of the garden

Welcome to your go-to resource for defeating one of the most common garden invaders squirrels. These adorable critters may seem harmless at first glance, but their relentless nibbling and digging can wreak havoc on your carefully cultivated plants.

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Fortunately, with the right strategies in place, you can deter squirrels from turning your garden into their personal buffet. In this user-friendly guide, we’ll delve into the world of squirrel control, offering practical tips and tricks that anyone can implement. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a green-thumb newbie, our easy-to-follow advice will empower you to take back control of your outdoor space and enjoy a thriving garden once again.

So, if you’re ready to bid farewell to squirrel-induced stress and hello to a flourishing garden paradise, buckle up and join us on this journey to garden greatness. Let’s banish those furry intruders once and for all and create a sanctuary where your plants can thrive undisturbed.\

Squirrel deterrents of the garden

Looking to protect your garden from those relentless squirrels? Fear not, for we’ve got you covered with step-by-step squirrel deterrent solutions that are both effective and easy to implement. First, consider planting natural repellents like marigolds, daffodils, or alliums, which emit scents that squirrels find unappealing. Next, create scented barriers by sprinkling used coffee grounds or crushed garlic around the perimeter of your garden to discourage squirrels from entering. Then, install physical barriers such as tall fencing, ensuring it’s buried underground to prevent burrowing. For added effectiveness, invest in motion-activated devices like sprinklers that startle squirrels with bursts of water.

Finally, deploy ultrasonic repellents emitting high-frequency sounds that deter squirrels without harming them. With these simple yet powerful deterrents in place, your garden will be protected from squirrel intrusion, allowing your plants to flourish undisturbed.

squirrels out of the garden

We’ve got you covered with some effective squirrel deterrents that will help protect your plants and keep your garden looking its best.

Natural Repellents

One of the most effective and straightforward methods to deter squirrels is by incorporating plants that naturally repel them. Squirrels are known to dislike the scent of certain plants, and by strategically placing these around your garden, you can create a natural barrier. For instance, marigolds have a distinct smell that squirrels find offensive. Planting a border of marigolds around the perimeter of your garden can act as a vibrant, living fence, deterring squirrels while adding a splash of color.

Another potent plant is the daffodil. These bright, beautiful flowers contain a toxin called lycorine, which is harmful to squirrels if ingested. Planting daffodils among your vegetables or flower beds can help keep squirrels at bay, ensuring they think twice before nibbling on your plants. Alliums are another excellent choice; with their strong odor and taste, they are natural squirrel repellents. These tall, bulbous flowers not only keep the squirrels away but also attract pollinators, enhancing your garden’s health and beauty.

Additionally, consider using mint and garlic as natural deterrents. Both have strong scents that squirrels find unpleasant. Planting these around the edges of your garden or in pots near entry points can help repel squirrels. Moreover, you can create a spray using crushed garlic and water or diluted peppermint oil to spray around plants that squirrels frequently attack.

Capsaicin, which is found in chili peppers, can also be a powerful natural repellent. Sprinkling chili powder or spraying a capsaicin solution around your garden can discourage squirrels from entering. Be sure to reapply after rain or regular watering, as it can wash away the repellent.

By using natural repellents in your garden, you effectively deter squirrels and support sustainability. These non-toxic, humane methods protect your garden, making it a peaceful sanctuary instead of a wildlife battleground.

Scented Barriers

Certain strong scents deter squirrels, as they find them irritating. You can keep squirrels away by strategically placing these scents around your garden. A popular method is using coffee grounds. Coffee grounds have a strong smell that squirrels dislike. Sprinkle them around your garden beds or plants to keep squirrels at bay.

Peppermint oil is a highly effective scented barrier against squirrels because they dislike its strong scent. Placing cotton balls soaked in peppermint oil around your garden, particularly near entry points and the perimeter, can deter them effectively. However, you’ll need to replenish the peppermint oil frequently, especially after rain, to maintain its effectiveness.

Cider vinegar is another tool in the arsenal against squirrels. Create a mixture of vinegar and water and spray it around the garden. The sharp smell of vinegar is another squirrel repellant, though this will also need regular application to remain effective.

Garlic is a powerhouse when it comes to repelling garden pests. Crush garlic cloves, mix them with water, and spray the concoction around your garden. The strong scent of garlic is very off-putting to squirrels and can act as a strong deterrent.

Lastly, consider planting strong-smelling herbs such as rosemary and sage along the borders of your garden. These herbs not only deter pests with their intense aromas but also add beauty and variety to your garden layout.

Using scented barriers is a natural, humane, and environmentally friendly way to keep squirrels from destroying your garden. They provide a dual function of pest control and enhancing garden health without the adverse effects associated with synthetic chemicals. By incorporating these scented barriers, you’ll enjoy a lush, vibrant garden, free from the disruption caused by squirrels.

Physical Barriers

One of the most reliable ways to keep squirrels out is by constructing a fence around your garden. A solid fence that stands at least 6 feet tall can act as a formidable barrier against squirrels, who are excellent jumpers. To enhance its effectiveness, ensure the fence extends a few inches into the ground to prevent squirrels from digging underneath. Using materials such as hardware cloth or chicken wire can also fortify the barrier, making it more difficult for squirrels to climb.

Netting offers another level of protection, especially useful for fruit-bearing plants and trees. Covering these with netting can prevent squirrels from reaching the fruits and causing damage. Ensure the netting is secured tightly around the base to keep squirrels from sneaking in from underneath.

Tree collars made of metal or plastic can be helpful if your garden is near trees that squirrels could use as jumping-off points. Placing these collars around the trunks prevents squirrels from climbing the trees and jumping into your garden.

Raised garden beds provide a strategic advantage. Elevating your plants makes it harder for squirrels to reach them. You can further enhance their effectiveness by attaching a ledge or slippery surface to the sides of the beds, which complicates squirrels’ attempts to climb.

Lastly, baffle devices can be installed on bird feeders or poles that support garden accessories. These are typically cone- or cylinder-shaped barriers that prevent squirrels from climbing up to areas where you don’t want them.

Physical barriers deter squirrels and reduce reliance on chemical repellents, enhancing garden safety for all life forms. Strategically placed, these barriers help maintain a vibrant, flourishing, squirrel-free garden. A bit of planning and effort can turn your garden into a peaceful, productive, and squirrel-proof haven.

Motion-Activated Devices

One of the most popular motion-activated devices for squirrel deterrence is the motion-activated sprinkler. These innovative gadgets are equipped with sensors that detect movement and activate a sudden burst of water, startling any squirrels that venture too close. The surprise of being sprayed with water is usually enough to send squirrels scurrying away, ensuring your plants remain untouched.

Another option is ultrasonic repellents, which emit high-frequency sound waves that are undetectable to humans but irritating to squirrels. These devices can be strategically placed throughout your garden to create a sonic barrier that deters squirrels from entering. Ultrasonic repellents are a humane and environmentally friendly option for keeping squirrels at bay without causing them any harm.

Additionally, motion-activated lights can also be effective in deterring squirrels. Squirrels are naturally wary of bright lights, so installing motion-activated lights in your garden can startle them and discourage them from venturing any closer. This can be particularly useful if you have a problem with squirrels visiting your garden at night.

For added effectiveness, consider combining motion-activated devices with other deterrent methods, such as natural repellents or physical barriers. By creating multiple layers of defense, you can maximize your garden’s protection against squirrels and ensure that your plants remain safe and undisturbed.

By incorporating motion-activated devices into your garden defense strategy, you can effectively deter squirrels and protect your plants from damage. These high-tech solutions offer a humane and environmentally friendly way to keep squirrels at bay, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful and thriving garden all season long.

how to Keeping squirrels out of the garden

Ultrasonic Repellents

Ultrasonic repellents work by emitting sound waves at a frequency that squirrels find extremely irritating. The discomfort encourages squirrels to avoid the area around the repellent. Typically, these devices are easy to install and can be placed around the perimeter of a garden or near specific plants that are often targeted by squirrels.

One of the biggest advantages of using ultrasonic repellents is their non-toxic nature. Unlike chemical repellents, ultrasonic devices do not harm the environment or pose a risk to the health of other wildlife and pets. They provide a safe, eco-friendly option for deterring squirrels without disrupting the balance of your garden ecosystem. Moreover, many ultrasonic devices are designed with versatility in mind, featuring adjustable settings to control the frequency range. This means you can optimize the device to specifically target squirrels while minimizing any potential disturbance to other animals. Some models are also equipped with infrared motion sensors to activate the device only when movement is detected, enhancing their efficiency and conserving energy.

For the best results, it’s crucial to strategically place ultrasonic repellents around your garden. Installation at ground level is generally recommended, as this is where squirrels primarily move and forage. Ensuring that the area of coverage is adequate is key—these devices typically have a range limit, so larger gardens might require multiple units to fully protect the space.

Additionally, ultrasonic repellents work well alone. Yet, combining them with barriers or natural repellents boosts garden protection.


Ultrasonic repellents are a discreet, eco-friendly choice to deter squirrels from your garden. They’re easy to use, humane, and keep your garden peaceful and squirrel-free.

To effectively keep squirrels out, mix vigilance, creativity, and strategic deterrents. Understanding squirrel behavior helps in using physical barriers, sensory repellents, and habitat changes to protect your plants.

Fencing, netting, and tree collars are great physical barriers. They prevent access and discourage squirrels. Keeping your garden free of fallen fruits or nuts also makes it less attractive to them.

For a high-tech solution, consider motion-activated sprinklers or lights. These surprise squirrels and deter them due to their fear of sudden movements and bright lights. Natural repellents like peppermint oil, garlic sprays, or predator urine also work well, are eco-friendly, and are safe.

Adding ultrasonic devices can boost your defense by emitting sounds annoying to squirrels but unheard by humans. However, their effectiveness varies, so using them with other methods is best.

Success in keeping squirrels away involves persistence and adaptability. Regularly check your garden for squirrel activity, adjust strategies as needed, and use multiple methods for the best outcome. Protecting your garden from squirrels ensures your outdoor space remains enjoyable and harmonious.


1. What are some natural repellents for squirrels?
Many gardeners use natural repellents such as marigolds, daffodils, and alliums, which emit scents that squirrels find unappealing. Additionally, planting mint, garlic, or even sprinkling chili powder can deter squirrels due to their strong aromas.

2. Can physical barriers really keep squirrels out of my garden?
Yes, physical barriers can be highly effective. A sturdy fence that is at least 6 feet tall and extends underground can prevent squirrels from jumping over or digging under. Tree collars and netting over fruit trees can also prevent access.

3. How do motion-activated devices help in deterring squirrels?

Motion-activated sprinklers can startle squirrels with a burst of water.
ultrasonic repellents emit frequencies that are uncomfortable for squirrels but harmless to humans. These devices are effective at keeping squirrels away by creating an unpleasant environment for them.

4. Are there any environmentally friendly options for repelling squirrels?
Yes, using natural plant repellents like coffee grounds, peppermint oil, and cider vinegar is eco-friendly. Doesn’t harm the garden’s ecosystem. Ultrasonic devices also offer a chemical-free method of deterring squirrels.

5. How often should I apply scented barriers in my garden?
Scented barriers such as garlic spray, peppermint oil, or vinegar need frequent reapplication. Especially after rain or watering, as they may lose effectiveness when diluted.

6. What should I do if squirrels continue to invade my garden despite using these methods?
If squirrels persist, consider combining several methods for a more comprehensive approach. Regularly rotating deterrents can also prevent squirrels from becoming accustomed to a single method.

7. Is it necessary to remove food sources from the garden?
Removing fallen fruits, nuts, and other debris can help deter squirrels from your garden. This reduces the chances of them visiting and causing damage.

8. Can planting certain flowers help repel squirrels?
Yes, planting marigolds and daffodils can keep squirrels away from your garden. These flowers emit smells or contain toxins that squirrels dislike.

9. Do ultrasonic repellents work on all types of squirrels?
Ultrasonic repellents can be effective, but their effectiveness may vary depending on the frequency and placement. It’s best to combine them with other deterrents for optimal results.

10. Are there any tips for using fencing effectively against squirrels?
Ensure that any fencing is secure at the base and extends a few inches into the ground. Using slick materials like plastic or metal can also prevent squirrels from climbing over the fence.

About Sabrina Tulip

I'm Sabrina Tulip, and I have a deep passion for all things animal world. I'm committed to helping others who loves wild animals. Reach out to me at for gardening advice and tips. Let's make the world a little greener together!

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