15+ Animals That Start With U – Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facs.

Join us as we dip into the intriguing lives of 15+ animals that start with U. We will discover their special traits and the diversity they bring to the remarkable tapestry of our natural world.

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From the lush rainforests of South America, where the vibrant Umbrella Bird flaunts its amazing crest, to the lively coral reefs filled with Unicornfish sporting horn-like protrusions on their heads, the letter U takes us on a worldwide adventure. 

This animal exploration isn’t just about pretty pictures. We’ll dive deeper into the smart ways these creatures survive and thrive. 

Discover the secret communication of the mysterious Unau sloth, or find out how the Uromastyx lizard, a spiky-tailed herbivore, manages to survive in the tough desert.

So, get ready for a surprise! As we delve into the lives of animals starting with U, you’ll develop a new admiration for the amazing diversity and cleverness that nature has to offer.

List Of Animals That Start with U

  1. Uakari (a type of monkey)
  2. Uguisu (Japanese bush warbler)
  3. Umbrellabird
  4. Unicornfish
  5. Urial (wild sheep)
  6. Urutu (venomous snake)
  7. Utahraptor (dinosaur)
  8. Uguisu (Japanese bush warbler)
  9. Ulysses Butterfly
  10. Umbrellabird
  11. Underwing Moth
  12. Upupa (hoopoe bird)
  13. Urial (wild sheep)
  14. Urutu (venomous snake)
  15. Umbrellabird
  16. Unicornfish
  17. Utahraptor (dinosaur)
  18. Uguisu (Japanese bush warbler)
  19. Ulysses Butterfly


Scientific NameVarious species (e.g., Cacajao genus)
Special HabitArboreal primate with a distinctive red face
Place of OriginAmazon rainforest, South America
SizeMedium-sized, around 45 to 50 cm
Commonly Found InTreetops of tropical rainforests
LifespanApproximately 20 years
DietFruits, seeds, insects
ReproductionViviparous, typically giving birth to a single offspring
Conservation StatusVaries by species (Some are endangered)

The bright red face of the uakari is believed to indicate good health and plays a role in social interactions within the group.

Uaru Cichlid

Scientific NameUaru amphiacanthoides
Special HabitColorful freshwater fish with a disc-shaped body
Place of OriginAmazon River basin, South America
SizeUp to 25 cm in length
Commonly Found InSlow-moving waters of Amazon tributaries
Lifespan10 to 15 years
DietOmnivorous, consuming plants and small invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs on flat surfaces
Conservation StatusNot Assessed

Uaru cichlids are known for their unique facial markings, resembling expressive eyes. Their distinct appearance adds to their popularity in the aquarium trade.


Scientific NameZoothera dauma
Special HabitSmall bird, known as the Japanese bush warbler
Place of OriginEast Asia, including Japan
SizeApproximately 15 cm in length
Commonly Found InBushes, woodlands, gardens
LifespanAround 3 to 5 years
DietInsects, small invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, building cup-shaped nests
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

The uguisu’s melodious song, often heard in early spring, is associated with the arrival of the season and is considered a symbol of good luck in Japanese culture.

Uinta Ground Squirrel

Scientific NameUrocitellus armatus
Special HabitHibernating rodent with burrowing behavior
Place of OriginWestern North America, including the Uinta Mountains
SizeSmall to medium-sized, around 20 to 26 cm
Commonly Found InAlpine meadows, grasslands
Lifespan2 to 4 years
DietHerbivorous, feeding on seeds, plants
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to litters in spring
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Uinta ground squirrels are expert burrowers and play a crucial role in ecosystem dynamics by aerating soil and providing habitat for other species.


Scientific NameUintatherium genus
Special HabitExtinct herbivorous mammal resembling a rhinoceros
Place of OriginNorth America, Eocene epoch
SizeLarge, comparable to a modern rhinoceros
Commonly Found InExtinct, fossilized remains
DietHerbivorous, likely feeding on vegetation
Conservation StatusExtinct

Uintatherium, despite its rhinoceros-like appearance, is not closely related to modern rhinos. It belonged to a now-extinct group of mammals called uintatheres.

Ulysses Butterfly

Scientific NamePapilio ulysses
Special HabitColorful butterfly with iridescent blue wings
Place of OriginNorthern Australia, Papua New Guinea
SizeMedium-sized, wingspan around 12 cm
Commonly Found InRainforests, coastal areas
LifespanSeveral weeks
DietNectar from various flowers
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs on host plants
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

The Ulysses Butterfly is famous for its dazzling blue color, which is not due to pigments but to microscopic structures that reflect and refract light, creating the vibrant hue.


Scientific NameCephalopterus species
Special HabitLarge, black bird with a distinct crest resembling an umbrella
Place of OriginCentral and South America
SizeLarge, with males having a prominent throat sac
Commonly Found InRainforests, wooded areas
LifespanAround 15 years
DietFruits, insects, small vertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, building nests in trees
Conservation StatusVaries by species (Some are Near Threatened)

The Umbrellabird’s inflatable throat sac is used for vocalizations during courtship displays. The larger the sac, the more attractive the male is to potential mates.

Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth)

Scientific NameCholoepus didactylus
Special HabitSlow-moving, arboreal mammal with two toes
Place of OriginSouth America, rainforests
SizeMedium-sized, around 50 to 70 cm
Commonly Found InTrees, primarily in the canopy
LifespanUp to 30 years
DietHerbivorous, feeding on leaves
ReproductionOviparous, giving birth to a single offspring
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Unaus are excellent swimmers, and they occasionally drop from trees into water to swim. Their fur provides a home to algae, giving them a greenish tint, enhancing their camouflage.

Underwing Moth

Scientific NameCatocala species
Special HabitNocturnal moth with cryptic wing patterns
Place of OriginWorldwide, diverse habitats
SizeMedium-sized, wingspan varies by species
Commonly Found InForested areas, gardens
LifespanSeveral weeks
DietAdults: nectar; Caterpillars: leaves
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs on host plants
Conservation StatusNot Assessed

Underwing moths are named for their distinctive wing patterns. When at rest, their forewings conceal bright hindwings, which are suddenly revealed when they take flight, surprising predators.

Upland Sandpiper

Scientific NameBartramia longicauda
Special HabitGround-dwelling shorebird with a distinctive appearance
Place of OriginNorth America, grasslands, prairies
SizeMedium-sized, around 30 to 38 cm
Commonly Found InGrasslands, agricultural fields
LifespanAround 7 years
DietInsects, small invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, building nests in grassy areas
Conservation StatusNear Threatened

Upland Sandpipers are known for their distinctive, melodic calls during the breeding season. They have a unique appearance with a long neck and slender body.

Ural owl

Scientific NameStrix uralensis
Special HabitNocturnal bird of prey with excellent hearing
Place of OriginEurope, Asia, northern forests
SizeMedium to large, wingspan around 105 to 135 cm
Commonly Found InConiferous and mixed forests
LifespanUp to 15 years in the wild
DietCarnivorous, preying on small mammals and birds
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs in tree cavities
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

The Ural Owl has asymmetrical ear openings, allowing it to locate prey by sound. This adaptation enhances its hunting efficiency, especially in low-light conditions.

Urechis unicinctus (Penis Fish)

Scientific NameUrechis unicinctus
Special HabitMarine spoonworm with a unique appearance
Place of OriginEast Asia, Pacific Ocean
SizeApproximately 25 to 30 cm
Commonly Found InSubtidal sandy or muddy areas
LifespanAround 15 years
DietDetritus and organic matter in sediment
ReproductionOviparous, releasing eggs and sperm into the water
Conservation StatusNot Assessed

Despite its nickname, the “Penis Fish” is not a fish but a marine worm. Its peculiar shape aids in burrowing into the ocean floor.


Scientific NameOvis orientalis vignei
Special HabitWild sheep with distinctive twisted horns
Place of OriginCentral Asia, mountains and steppes
SizeMedium-sized, around 80 to 110 cm at the shoulder
Commonly Found InRocky mountainous terrain
LifespanAround 10 to 12 years
DietHerbivorous, grazing on grasses and shrubs
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to lambs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern

Male urials have impressive spiral horns that can reach lengths of up to 80 cm. The horn size is an important factor in their social status.

Uromastyx (Spiny-Tailed Lizard)

Scientific NameUromastyx species
Special HabitDiurnal lizard with a spiny tail and distinctive coloration
Place of OriginNorth Africa, Middle East
SizeSmall to medium-sized, varying by species
Commonly Found InDesert and rocky habitats
LifespanAround 15 to 20 years
DietHerbivorous, consuming plants and flowers
ReproductionOviparous, laying eggs in burrows
Conservation StatusVaries by species (Some are Not Evaluated)

Uromastyx lizards are known for their unique defense mechanism. When threatened, they can use their powerful tail to deliver a painful swipe to potential predators.

Urutu Snake

Scientific NameBothrops alternatus
Special HabitVenomous pit viper with a distinctive pattern
Place of OriginSouth America, primarily Brazil
SizeMedium-sized, around 70 to 100 cm
Commonly Found InForested areas, grasslands
LifespanApproximately 10 to 15 years
DietCarnivorous, preying on small mammals and birds
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to live young
Conservation StatusNot Assessed

The Urutu Snake is known for its potent venom, and while it is venomous, it plays a crucial role in controlling rodent populations in its habitat.


Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Special HabitDomestic dog breed with a wolf-like appearance
Place of OriginUnited Kingdom
SizeMedium to large, around 60 to 84 cm at the shoulder
Commonly Found InDomestic settings as a companion dog
LifespanAround 12 to 15 years
DietOmnivorous, typical dog diet
ReproductionViviparous, giving birth to puppies
Conservation StatusNot Applicable

The Utonagan was intentionally bred to resemble a wolf but has a gentle and friendly temperament. It is often sought as a family pet for its loyal nature.

To Wrap Up

And there you have it – a quick dive into the lives of 15+ animals that start with U! Each one, though few in number, adds its own charm to the vast canvas of nature. Keep the spark of curiosity alive, and let’s continue to appreciate and protect the homes of these incredible creatures. Thanks for joining us on this short but sweet exploration of the animal kingdom!

About Sabrina Tulip

I'm Sabrina Tulip, and I have a deep passion for all things animal world. I'm committed to helping others who loves wild animals. Reach out to me at sabrina@animallists.com for gardening advice and tips. Let's make the world a little greener together!

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