60+ Animals That Start with O – Listed By Name, Images & Fun Facts.

Welcome to an exciting journey through the animal kingdom, where we’ll discover over 60 fascinating animals that start with O. From the playful Otter to the majestic Owl, get ready to dive into a world of wonders. 

You can read more about animals info with interesting and fun facts that start with latter ‘N’.

Join us as we uncover intriguing facts, peculiar habits, and the magic these animals bring to our planet.

List Of Animals That Start with O 

  1. Ocelot
  2. Octopus
  3. Okapi
  4. Olm (a type of salamander)
  5. Opossum
  6. Orangutan
  7. Oriole (bird)
  8. Oryx (antelope)
  9. Ostrich
  10. Otter
  11. Owl
  12. Ox
  13. Ocelot
  14. Ocean Sunfish
  15. Osprey
  16. Obelisk Orbweaver (a spider)
  17. Olive Baboon
  18. Olive Ridley Turtle
  19. Onager (wild ass)
  20. Oropendola (a type of bird)
  21. Osprey
  22. Ostrich
  23. Otterhound
  24. Ozark Hellbender (a species of salamander)
  25. Oystercatcher (bird)
  26. Orca (killer whale)
  27. Ornate Box Turtle
  28. Orinoco Crocodile
  29. Oriental Shorthair (cat breed)
  30. Orchard Oriole
  31. Otter Shrew
  32. Ouzel (thrush-like bird)
  33. Owlet Moth
  34. Ocelot Gecko
  35. Old English Sheepdog
  36. Olive Sunbird
  37. Orpington Chicken
  38. Ozark Big-Eared Bat
  39. Oyster
  40. Olive-backed Sunbird
  41. Orange-bellied Parrot
  42. Oceanic Whitetip Shark
  43. Orange Roughy (a deep-sea fish)
  44. Opah (large, colorful fish)
  45. Orchid Mantis
  46. Osage Copperhead Snake
  47. Olive Grass Snake
  48. Ochre Jellyfish
  49. Ocean Pout (a type of fish)
  50. Olive Flounder
  51. Opal Eye (a type of fish)
  52. Orange Weaver (bird)
  53. Olive Whelk (sea snail)
  54. Oystercatcher (shorebird)
  55. Oilbird
  56. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
  57. Oropouche Opossum
  58. Olive Tree Snake
  59. Orange-spotted Grouper
  60. Ochre Sea Star
  61. Olive Ridley Sea Turtle
  62. Octocoral
  63. Ornate Monitor Lizard
  64. Omei Shan Liocichla (bird)

Oak Toad

Scientific Name:Anaxyrus quercicus
Special Habit:Small toad with distinctive oak leaf-shaped markings on its back.
Place of Origin:Southeastern United States.
Size:Tiny, around 1 to 2 inches in length.
Commonly Found In:Pine flatwoods, sandy areas, and oak-palmetto habitats.
Lifespan:About 2 to 3 years.
Diet:Insectivorous, consuming small invertebrates.
Reproduction:Breeds in temporary rain pools; females lay strings of eggs.
Conservation Status:Least Concern; stable population in its habitat.

Despite their small size, Oak Toads are known for their high-pitched calls resembling the sound of a distant sheep.

Ocean Perch

Scientific Name:Sebastes spp. (various species)
Special Habit:Colorful, deep-sea fish with spines on their dorsal fins.
Place of Origin:Cold waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Size:Varies by species, generally small to medium-sized.
Commonly Found In:Deep-sea habitats, rocky bottoms, and underwater structures.
Lifespan:Around 15 to 20 years, depending on the species.
Diet:Carnivorous, consuming small fish, crustaceans, and invertebrates.
Reproduction:Egg-laying, with females producing numerous small eggs.
Conservation Status:Some species are of concern due to overfishing; management measures in place.

Ocean Perch get their name from their vibrant coloration, ranging from orange-red to pink, enhancing their visual appeal.

Ocean Pout

Scientific Name:Macrozoarces americanus
Special Habit:Eel-like fish with a distinct appearance and antifreeze proteins.
Place of Origin:North Atlantic Ocean, from Arctic waters to New Jersey.
Size:Typically 1 to 2 feet in length.
Commonly Found In:Deep, cold waters on the continental shelf.
Lifespan:Around 10 to 15 years.
Diet:Carnivorous, preying on small fish and invertebrates.
Reproduction:Egg-laying; females produce large, adhesive eggs.
Conservation Status:Not evaluated; stable populations in their habitat.

Ocean Pout possess a unique adaptation—antifreeze proteins in their blood—that allows them to survive in extremely cold waters.

Ocean Whitefish

Scientific Name:Caulolatilus princeps
Special Habit:Deep-sea fish with a slender body and silvery-white coloration.
Place of Origin:Eastern Pacific Ocean, from California to Mexico.
Size:Moderate size, typically around 1 to 2 feet in length.
Commonly Found In:Deep-sea rocky areas and underwater structures.
Lifespan:About 10 to 15 years.
Diet:Carnivorous, feeding on small fish and invertebrates.
Reproduction:Egg-laying; females release buoyant eggs into the water.
Conservation Status:Not evaluated; populations appear stable.

Ocean Whitefish are known for their mild flavor and are occasionally sought after by anglers for their culinary appeal.

Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Scientific Name:Carcharhinus longimanus
Special Habit:Open-ocean shark with distinct white-tipped fins.
Place of Origin:Global, preferring warmer waters.
Size:Average length of 6 to 9 feet.
Commonly Found In:Open ocean, particularly in deep waters.
Lifespan:Approximately 25 to 30 years.
Diet:Opportunistic feeder, consuming fish, squid, and carrion.
Reproduction:Viviparous; gives birth to live young.
Conservation Status:Near Threatened; vulnerable to overfishing and bycatch.

Oceanic Whitetip Sharks are known for their bold and curious nature, often approaching boats and divers.

Ocellated Turkey

Scientific Name:Meleagris ocellata
Special Habit:Striking turkey species with iridescent, eye-like spots on its tail feathers.
Place of Origin:Native to the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico and parts of Belize and Guatemala.
Size:Medium-sized turkey, males larger than females.
Commonly Found In:Tropical forests and lowland areas.
Lifespan:Around 5 to 7 years in the wild.
Diet:Omnivorous; feeds on seeds, fruits, insects, and small reptiles.
Reproduction:Ground-nesting; females lay eggs in shallow depressions.
Conservation Status:Least Concern; stable populations in its limited range.

Ocellated Turkeys are known for their vibrant and intricate feather patterns, resembling intricate works of art.


Scientific Name:Leopardus pardalis
Special Habit:Small to medium-sized wild cat with distinctive coat markings.
Place of Origin:Native to various habitats in the Americas.
Size:Typically 2 to 3 feet in height and 2.5 to 3.5 feet in length.
Commonly Found In:Tropical forests, grasslands, and scrublands.
Lifespan:Up to 15 years in the wild.
Diet:Carnivorous; preys on small mammals, birds, and reptiles.
Reproduction:Solitary and territorial; females give birth to 1 to 3 kittens.
Conservation Status:Least Concern; adaptable to various habitats, but populations declining.

Ocelots are skilled climbers and swimmers, allowing them to pursue prey in diverse environments.


Scientific Name:Various species; e.g., Octopus vulgaris
Special Habit:Intelligent, soft-bodied cephalopods with eight arms.
Place of Origin:Global distribution in various marine environments.
Size:Varies by species; can range from a few inches to several feet.
Commonly Found In:Ocean floors, coral reefs, and coastal waters.
Lifespan:Typically short-lived; varies by species, averaging 1 to 2 years.
Diet:Carnivorous; preys on crustaceans, fish, and mollusks.
Reproduction:Semelparous; females lay eggs and provide care until hatching.
Conservation Status:Not evaluated for the entire group; specific species may face threats.

Octopuses are known for their exceptional problem-solving abilities and can change color and texture for camouflage.

Oenpelli python

Scientific Name:Morelia oenpelliensis
Special Habit:Non-venomous python with a distinctive pattern and coloration.
Place of Origin:Endemic to the rocky areas of the Arnhem Land plateau in Australia.
Size:Large snake, with some individuals exceeding 10 feet in length.
Commonly Found In:Rocky habitats, gorges, and woodland areas.
Lifespan:Estimated to be around 15 to 20 years.
Diet:Carnivorous; preys on mammals, birds, and reptiles.
Reproduction:Oviparous; lays eggs in sheltered locations.
Conservation Status:Least Concern; localized distribution with no significant threats.

Oenpelli Pythons are known for their docile temperament and are important in Indigenous Australian culture.


Scientific Name:Ruvettus pretiosus
Special Habit:Deep-sea fish found in tropical and temperate oceans.
Place of Origin:Global distribution, often found in deep waters.
Size:Can reach lengths of up to 6 feet.
Commonly Found In:Open ocean, particularly in depths of 300 to 900 meters.
Lifespan:Approximately 10 to 15 years.
Diet:Carnivorous; feeds on smaller fish and squid.
Reproduction:Oviparous; releases eggs into the water for external fertilization.
Conservation Status:Not evaluated; not a target for commercial fisheries due to high wax ester content.

Oilfish produces a waxy substance in its tissues that can cause gastrointestinal discomfort in humans if consumed in large quantities.


Scientific Name:Okapia johnstoni
Special Habit:Giraffe-like mammal with a long neck and distinct zebra-like stripes on legs.
Place of Origin:Native to the dense forests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Size:Stands about 5 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder.
Commonly Found In:Dense, tropical rainforests.
Lifespan:Around 20 to 30 years.
Diet:Herbivorous; primarily feeds on leaves, buds, and fruits.
Reproduction:Solitary and territorial; females give birth to a single calf after a 14 to 15-month gestation.
Conservation Status:Near Threatened; habitat loss and hunting pose significant threats.

The okapi is often referred to as the “forest giraffe” due to its similar body shape to the giraffe but with a shorter neck.

Old English Sheepdog

Scientific Name:Canis lupus familiaris
Special Habit:Sturdy and shaggy-coated herding dog.
Place of Origin:England, specifically bred for herding sheep.
Size:Large, with males weighing around 80 pounds and standing about 22 inches at the shoulder.
Commonly Found In:Various climates, adaptable to different living conditions.
Lifespan:Typically 10 to 12 years.
Diet:Omnivorous; commercial dog food supplemented with appropriate treats.
Reproduction:Average litter size of 6 to 8 puppies.
Conservation Status:Not applicable; domesticated breed.

Despite their name, Old English Sheepdogs are known for their friendly and adaptable nature, making them excellent family pets.

Old House Borer

Scientific Name:Hylotrupes bajulus
Special Habit:Wood-boring beetle, often infesting seasoned softwoods.
Place of Origin:Native to Europe but introduced to North America.
Size:Approximately 0.5 to 1 inch in length.
Commonly Found In:Wooden structures, particularly older buildings.
Lifespan:2 to 10 years, depending on environmental conditions.
Diet:Larvae feed on wood, causing structural damage.
Reproduction:Eggs laid in crevices of wood; larvae tunnel into wood for feeding.
Conservation Status:Not applicable; considered a pest species.

Old House Borers are notorious for damaging wooden structures, and their infestations can be challenging to control.

Oleander Hawk Moth

Scientific NameDaphnis nerii
Special HabitNocturnal, hovering flight
Place of OriginEurope, Asia, Africa
Commonly Found InGardens, open areas
LifespanFew weeks (adult stage)
DietNectar, oleander leaves
ReproductionLay eggs on host plants
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (data deficient)

Oleander Hawk Moths are often mistaken for hummingbirds due to their hovering flight while feeding on nectar. Their long proboscis allows them to reach deep into flowers, showcasing their remarkable adaptation for efficient feeding.


Scientific NameBassaricyon spp.
Special HabitNocturnal, arboreal
Place of OriginCentral and South America
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InForests, treetops
Lifespan8-15 years
DietFruits, insects, small vertebrates
ReproductionViviparous, 1-2 offspring
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Olingos are skilled climbers and can rotate their ankles backward to move easily in trees. They are known for their sharp claws and long tail, assisting them in navigating the treetops with agility and precision.

Olive Baboon

Scientific NamePapio anubis
Special HabitSocial, terrestrial
Place of OriginAfrica (savannas, forests)
SizeLarge (up to 2.5 feet tall)
Commonly Found InGrasslands, woodlands
Lifespan20-30 years
DietOmnivorous (fruits, insects, small mammals)
ReproductionMating groups, 6-month gestation
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Olive Baboons are highly social and live in large groups called troops. They exhibit complex social structures with dominant males leading the troop. These intelligent primates communicate through vocalizations, facial expressions, and grooming, fostering strong bonds within the group.

Olive python

Scientific NameLiasis olivaceus
Special HabitNocturnal, terrestrial
Place of OriginAustralia (Northern Territory, Western Australia)
SizeLarge (up to 13 feet)
Commonly Found InSavannahs, rocky areas
Lifespan20-25 years
DietMammals, birds, reptiles
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (data deficient)

Olive Pythons are excellent climbers and swimmers. Their name comes from their olive-colored scales. Despite their large size, they are known for their docile nature, making them popular as pets among reptile enthusiasts.

Olive Sea Snake

Scientific NameAipysurus laevis
Special HabitMarine, highly venomous
Place of OriginIndo-Pacific region
SizeMedium (up to 5 feet)
Commonly Found InCoral reefs, shallow coastal waters
Lifespan10-15 years
DietFish, eels, small crustaceans
ReproductionOvoviviparous, give birth in water
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Olive Sea Snakes possess paddle-shaped tails, allowing them to swim efficiently. Despite their venomous nature, they are generally not aggressive toward humans. These remarkable serpents spend most of their lives in the water, rarely coming ashore.


Scientific NameProteus anguinus
Special HabitAquatic, blind
Place of OriginSubterranean waters of Europe
SizeSmall (up to 12 inches)
Commonly Found InCaves, underground waters
LifespanUp to 100 years
DietSmall invertebrates, aquatic larvae
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs in caves
Conservation StatusNear Threatened (IUCN)

The Olm, also known as the “human fish,” can survive without food for several years. With its unique adaptations to underground life, this blind salamander navigates its dark habitat using sensory cells on its skin, making it a fascinating creature of the subterranean world.

Olympic Marmot

Scientific NameMarmota olympus
Special HabitAlpine, hibernates
Place of OriginOlympic Peninsula, USA
SizeMedium (up to 2 feet)
Commonly Found InAlpine meadows, rocky slopes
Lifespan6-8 years
DietGrasses, herbs, flowers
ReproductionViviparous, give birth in burrows
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Olympic Marmots are excellent diggers and create elaborate burrow systems for shelter. During hibernation, their heart rate drops dramatically, enabling them to conserve energy in the harsh alpine winters. These social rodents are often seen basking in the sun, maintaining a close-knit marmot community.

Onagadori Chicken

Scientific NameGallus gallus domesticus (Japanese breed)
Special HabitLong, flowing tail feathers
Place of OriginJapan
Commonly Found InPoultry farms, Japan
Lifespan5-10 years
DietCommercial chicken feed, grains
ReproductionEgg-laying, brooding by hens
Conservation StatusNot applicable (domesticated)

The Onagadori Chicken is known for its “sickle feathers,” which can grow up to 20 feet or more. This unique Japanese breed is prized for its ornamental value, especially during festivals and exhibitions, showcasing the stunning elegance of its cascading tail feathers.


Scientific NameEquus hemionus
Special HabitWild ass, adapted to arid habitats
Place of OriginAsia (Iran, India, Pakistan)
SizeMedium (up to 4.9 feet tall)
Commonly Found InArid grasslands, deserts
Lifespan20-30 years
DietGrasses, herbs, shrubs
ReproductionViviparous, single foal
Conservation StatusNear Threatened (IUCN)

Onagers are known for their swift running ability, reaching speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. Their adapted hooves allow them to navigate the harsh terrain of arid regions. These wild asses play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.


Scientific NameOpabinia regalis
Special HabitExtinct marine arthropod
Place of OriginBurgess Shale, Canada
SizeSmall (about 3 inches)
Commonly Found InAncient seas, Cambrian period
LifespanExtinct (Cambrian explosion)
Conservation StatusExtinct

Opabinia is an extinct creature with a unique body plan, featuring five eyes and a long, flexible proboscis. This ancient marine arthropod existed over 500 million years ago, contributing to the fascinating diversity of life during the Cambrian explosion.


Scientific NameLampris guttatus
Special HabitDeep-sea, warm-blooded
Place of OriginWorldwide (oceans)
SizeLarge (up to 6 feet)
Commonly Found InDeep-sea waters, pelagic zones
LifespanUp to 10 years
DietSquid, fish, crustaceans
ReproductionOvoviviparous, give birth to live young
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

The Opah, or “moonfish,” is the only known fully warm-blooded fish. Its ability to regulate body temperature allows it to thrive in colder, deeper waters. This unique adaptation gives the Opah a competitive advantage in capturing prey and navigating diverse ocean environments.

Opaleye (Rudderfish)

Scientific NameGirella nigricans
Special HabitHerbivorous, distinctive eye markings
Place of OriginEastern Pacific Ocean
SizeMedium (up to 16 inches)
Commonly Found InRocky reefs, kelp forests
LifespanUp to 14 years
DietAlgae, kelp, small invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, lay adhesive eggs
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (data deficient)

Opaleye fish get their name from the opalescent markings around their eyes. These distinctive eye rings not only add to their charm but also play a role in species recognition and communication among individuals in their vibrant underwater communities.


Scientific NameVarious species in Didelphidae family
Special HabitArboreal, marsupial
Place of OriginAmericas (North and South)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InForests, urban areas
Lifespan2-4 years (wild), up to 8 years (captivity)
DietOmnivorous (insects, fruits, small animals)
ReproductionMarsupial, carry young in pouch
Conservation StatusVarious species, some concern

Opossums are excellent actors! When threatened, they may play dead, known as “playing possum.” This clever strategy confuses predators, giving the impression that the opossum is no longer a threat. In reality, they are just putting on an Oscar-worthy performance.

Oranda Goldfish

Scientific NameCarassius auratus
Special HabitOrnamental goldfish, fancy finnage
Place of OriginChina (bred worldwide)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InAquariums, ornamental ponds
Lifespan10-15 years
DietCommercial fish food, flakes
ReproductionOviparous, lay adhesive eggs
Conservation StatusNot applicable (domesticated)

Oranda Goldfish are known for their distinctive “hood” or wen, a fleshy growth on their heads. This ornamental feature adds to their charm, but it requires careful maintenance as it can affect their vision. These fancy fish come in various colors, captivating enthusiasts with their graceful swim and unique appearance.

Orange Baboon Tarantula

Scientific NamePterinochilus murinus
Special HabitBurrowing, nocturnal
Place of OriginAfrica (sub-Saharan regions)
SizeMedium to large
Commonly Found InSavannas, grasslands, forests
Lifespan10-15 years (females), 3-6 years (males)
DietInsects, small vertebrates
ReproductionEgg sacs, maternal care
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (data deficient)

The Orange Baboon Tarantula is known for its vibrant orange coloration and the ability to flick urticating hairs when threatened. These hairs can cause irritation, deterring potential predators. Despite their intimidating appearance, they play a crucial role in controlling insect populations in their natural habitat.

Orange Dream Ball Python

Scientific NamePython regius
Special HabitNocturnal, terrestrial
Place of OriginWest Africa
SizeMedium (3-5 feet)
Commonly Found InGrasslands, savannas
Lifespan20-30 years
DietSmall mammals, birds, reptiles
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (common in captivity)

The Orange Dream Ball Python gets its name from its striking orange and yellow coloration. In captivity, breeders have selectively enhanced these vibrant hues, creating stunning variations. Their docile nature and captivating appearance make them popular choices among reptile enthusiasts.

Orange Roughy 

Scientific NameHoplostethus atlanticus
Special HabitDeep-sea, slow-growing
Place of OriginDeep waters (worldwide)
SizeMedium to large (up to 2 feet)
Commonly Found InContinental slopes, seamounts
LifespanUp to 150 years
DietFish, squid, crustaceans
ReproductionLate maturation, slow growth
Conservation StatusVulnerable (IUCN)

The Orange Roughy is known for its exceptionally long lifespan, reaching up to 150 years. Its slow growth and late maturation contribute to the vulnerability of populations to overfishing. Despite its name, this deep-sea fish displays a distinctive reddish-orange coloration.

Orange Spider

Scientific NameVarious species
Special HabitWeb-building, predatory
Place of OriginWorldwide (diverse habitats)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InGardens, forests, meadows
LifespanSeveral months to years
DietInsects, other spiders
ReproductionEgg sacs, diverse strategies
Conservation StatusNot applicable (invertebrate)

Orange spiders use their silk to create intricate webs for catching prey. Some species are highly skilled architects, constructing unique and artistic patterns. While often associated with Halloween decorations, these eight-legged critters play a crucial role in controlling insect populations and maintaining ecological balance.

Orange Tanager (Orange-Headed Tanager)

Scientific NameThlypopsis sordida
Special HabitArboreal, social
Place of OriginSouth America (Andes region)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InMontane forests, cloud forests
Lifespan5-10 years
DietFruits, insects, nectar
ReproductionCup-shaped nests, 2-3 eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

The Orange Tanager, with its vibrant plumage, is a social bird often found in mixed-species flocks. These colorful fliers play a crucial role in seed dispersal, contributing to the health of the montane ecosystems they inhabit. Their cheerful calls add melody to the Andean treetops.

Orange-Crowned Warbler

Scientific NameLeiothlypis celata
Special HabitArboreal, migratory
Place of OriginNorth and Central America
Commonly Found InWoodlands, shrubby areas
Lifespan5-10 years
DietInsects, spiders, berries
ReproductionCup-shaped nests, 4-5 eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Despite being called the Orange-Crowned Warbler, this bird’s orange crown is often hidden and not easily visible. They are skilled insect hunters, gleaning insects from leaves and branches. During migration, these warblers cover impressive distances, traveling from their breeding grounds to wintering areas.


Scientific NamePongo (genus)
Special HabitArboreal, highly intelligent
Place of OriginBorneo, Sumatra
SizeLarge (males up to 4.6 feet)
Commonly Found InTropical rainforests
Lifespan30-40 years
DietFruits, leaves, insects
ReproductionSlow maturation, single offspring
Conservation StatusCritically Endangered (Bornean) and Endangered (Sumatran)

Orangutans are the largest arboreal mammals and share about 97% of their DNA with humans. They are known for their remarkable problem-solving skills, using tools like leaves to extract insects or as makeshift umbrellas. Despite their gentle nature, orangutans face severe threats due to habitat loss and illegal pet trade.

Orb Weaver

Scientific NameAraneidae family (various species)
Special HabitWeb-building, nocturnal
Place of OriginWorldwide (diverse habitats)
SizeSmall to large
Commonly Found InGardens, forests, grasslands
LifespanSeveral months to years
DietInsects, small prey
ReproductionEgg sacs, diverse strategies
Conservation StatusNot applicable (invertebrate)

Orb weavers are skilled architects of spiral-shaped webs, capturing prey with precision. Some species incorporate vibrant colors into their silk, attracting insects. These beneficial spiders contribute to pest control in gardens and ecosystems. Despite their essential role, orb weavers often go unnoticed due to their nocturnal habits.

Orchard Oriole

Scientific NameIcterus spurius
Special HabitArboreal, migratory
Place of OriginNorth and Central America
SizeSmall (6-7 inches)
Commonly Found InOrchards, woodlands, gardens
Lifespan7-10 years
DietInsects, fruits, nectar
ReproductionCup-shaped nests, 3-7 eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

The male Orchard Oriole undergoes a remarkable transformation from a greenish-yellow plumage in winter to a striking flame-orange hue during breeding season. This visual change is a stunning display to attract potential mates.

Orchid Dottyback

Scientific NamePseudochromis fridmani
Special HabitCoral-dwelling, territorial
Place of OriginRed Sea, Indian Ocean
SizeSmall (up to 3 inches)
Commonly Found InCoral reefs
Lifespan5-7 years
DietSmall fish, invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, adhesive eggs
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (data deficient)

Orchid Dottybacks are known for their brilliant purple or magenta coloration. Interestingly, these fish can change their color intensity, with males becoming more vibrant during courtship and territorial displays.

Oregon Spotted Frog

Scientific NameRana pretiosa
Special HabitAquatic, semi-aquatic
Place of OriginPacific Northwest (USA, Canada)
SizeSmall to medium (2-4 inches)
Commonly Found InWetlands, marshes, ponds
Lifespan4-5 years (wild), up to 8 years (captivity)
DietInsects, small invertebrates
ReproductionAquatic eggs, tadpoles
Conservation StatusThreatened (IUCN)

The Oregon Spotted Frog is the most aquatic of North American frogs. Their unique spotted patterns serve as camouflage in their aquatic habitats. Unfortunately, habitat loss and invasive species pose significant threats to their populations.


Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris
Special HabitCompanion, adaptable
Place of OriginUnited States (developed breed)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InHomes, urban environments
Lifespan10-12 years
DietCommercial dog food, treats
ReproductionMating, average litter size of 4-8 puppies
Conservation StatusNot applicable (domesticated)

The Ori-Pei is a designer dog breed, combining the Pug and the Shar-Pei. Known for their wrinkled appearance and distinctive coat, they make affectionate companions. The breed’s name, “Ori-Pei,” reflects its Chinese origins, combining elements from both parent breeds.


Scientific NameOurebia ourebi
Special HabitGrassland, diurnal
Place of OriginAfrica (Sahel region)
SizeSmall (2-2.5 feet tall)
Commonly Found InGrasslands, savannas
Lifespan10-12 years
DietGrasses, herbs
ReproductionSeasonal breeding, single offspring
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Oribis are known for their exceptional agility and speed, making them skilled escape artists in the face of danger. Their small size and ability to swiftly navigate through grassy landscapes help them avoid predators, ensuring their survival in the African grasslands.

Oriental Cockroach

Scientific NameBlatta orientalis
Special HabitNocturnal, scavenging
Place of OriginWorldwide (human habitats)
SizeMedium (1-1.25 inches)
Commonly Found InDark, damp areas, basements
LifespanUp to 6 months
DietDecaying organic matter, plants
ReproductionOviparous, egg capsules
Conservation StatusNot applicable (insect)

Oriental Cockroaches are sometimes referred to as “water bugs” because they thrive in damp environments. Despite their name, they are believed to have originated in Africa. These nocturnal scavengers are known for their resilient nature and adaptability to various conditions.

Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher

Scientific NameCeyx erithaca
Special HabitArboreal, piscivorous
Place of OriginSouth and Southeast Asia
SizeSmall (4-5 inches)
Commonly Found InDense forests, near water bodies
Lifespan5-7 years
DietFish, insects, crustaceans
ReproductionNest in tree hollows, 3-5 eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

The Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher is known for its vibrant plumage, resembling a living jewel. Despite its diminutive size, it displays remarkable hunting skills, swiftly diving into water to catch fish. These colorful birds add a splash of brilliance to the dense canopies of Asian forests.

Orinoco Crocodile

Scientific NameCrocodylus intermedius
Special HabitAquatic, semi-social
Place of OriginOrinoco River Basin (South America)
SizeLarge (males up to 13 feet)
Commonly Found InRivers, freshwater habitats
Lifespan60-70 years
DietFish, mammals, birds
ReproductionOviparous, communal nesting
Conservation StatusCritically Endangered (IUCN)

The Orinoco Crocodile is one of the largest crocodile species, recognized for its robust build. Once on the brink of extinction due to hunting, conservation efforts have been implemented to protect these impressive reptiles and their vital role in maintaining the health of river ecosystems.

Ornate Bichir

Scientific NamePolypterus ornatipinnis
Special HabitNocturnal, bottom-dwelling
Place of OriginWest Africa (Congo River Basin)
SizeMedium to large (up to 16 inches)
Commonly Found InRivers, swamps, slow-moving waters
Lifespan10-15 years
DietCarnivorous, small fish, insects
ReproductionOviparous, adhesive eggs
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (data deficient)

The Ornate Bichir is often called a “living fossil” due to its ancient lineage, dating back over 400 million years. Their unique lobed fins allow them to navigate both water and land, showcasing an evolutionary adaptation that sets them apart from other fish species.

Ornate Black-Tailed Rattlesnake

Scientific NameCrotalus ornatus
Special HabitTerrestrial, ambush predator
Place of OriginNorth America (Mexico)
SizeMedium (2-3 feet)
Commonly Found InGrasslands, rocky areas
Lifespan15-20 years
DietSmall mammals, birds
ReproductionViviparous, live birth
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (data deficient)

The Ornate Black-Tailed Rattlesnake gets its name from the distinctive ornate patterns on its skin and its black-tipped tail. Despite their venomous nature, these snakes play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations, contributing to ecosystem balance in their habitats.

Ornate Box Turtle

Scientific NameTerrapene ornata
Special HabitTerrestrial, hibernates
Place of OriginNorth America (Great Plains)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InGrasslands, prairies, woodlands
Lifespan20-30 years
DietOmnivorous, insects, plants
ReproductionOviparous, clutch of 3-8 eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Ornate Box Turtles are known for their ornate shell patterns. They possess a hinge on their plastron, allowing them to completely close their shell for protection. During hibernation, they can survive freezing temperatures, a unique adaptation for their Great Plains habitats.


Scientific NameOrnithocheirus sp.
Special HabitAerial, piscivorous
Place of OriginLate Cretaceous (Worldwide)
SizeLarge (wingspan up to 33 feet)
Commonly Found InCoastal regions, open oceans
LifespanUnknown (extinct)
DietFish, other small vertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, laid eggs in nests
Conservation StatusExtinct (fossil)

Ornithocheirus was a massive pterosaur, or flying reptile, from the Late Cretaceous period. With a wingspan comparable to a small airplane, it dominated the skies. Despite its intimidating appearance, this piscivorous giant played a vital role in the prehistoric ecosystem.


Scientific NameOrnithomimus sp.
Special HabitTerrestrial, omnivorous
Place of OriginLate Cretaceous (North America)
SizeLarge (up to 12 feet tall)
Commonly Found InOpen woodlands, plains
LifespanUnknown (extinct)
DietInsects, small vertebrates, plants
ReproductionOviparous, laid eggs in nests
Conservation StatusExtinct (fossil)

Ornithomimus, often referred to as the “ostrich mimic,” was a fast and agile dinosaur. With its long legs and beak, it resembled an ostrich. This omnivorous dinosaur played a vital role in the Late Cretaceous ecosystems as both predator and scavenger.

Ortolan Bunting

Scientific NameEmberiza hortulana
Special HabitGround-dwelling, migratory
Place of OriginEurope, Asia, Africa
SizeSmall (6 inches)
Commonly Found InGrasslands, farmlands, meadows
Lifespan4-7 years
DietSeeds, insects, small fruits
ReproductionGround nests, 3-4 eggs
Conservation StatusVulnerable (IUCN)

The Ortolan Bunting is renowned for its melodious song during the breeding season. In some regions, it faced controversy due to traditional culinary practices, where it was captured, fattened, and consumed as a delicacy, particularly in France.

Oscar Fish

Scientific NameAstronotus ocellatus
Special HabitFreshwater, territorial
Place of OriginAmazon River Basin (South America)
SizeMedium to large (up to 16 inches)
Commonly Found InRivers, lakes, flooded forests
Lifespan10-15 years
DietCarnivorous, small fish, insects
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs on flat surfaces
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (common in aquarium trade)

Oscar Fish are known for their vibrant colors and distinctive personality. They exhibit unique behaviors, recognizing their owners and often expressing curiosity. While popular in the aquarium trade, they require careful consideration of tank conditions and compatibility with other fish species.


Scientific NamePandion haliaetus
Special HabitAerial, piscivorous
Place of OriginWorldwide (coastal areas)
SizeMedium to large (wingspan up to 6 feet)
Commonly Found InCoastal habitats, lakes, rivers
Lifespan20-25 years
DietFish, occasionally small mammals
ReproductionMonogamous, large stick nests
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Ospreys are adept fishermen with reversible outer toes, allowing them to grasp fish with a firm grip. Their keen eyesight helps them spot prey underwater, and they can plunge into the water, feet-first, to snatch their catch with powerful talons.


Scientific NameClass Ostracoda
Special HabitAquatic, benthic
Place of OriginWorldwide (aquatic habitats)
SizeMicroscopic to small
Commonly Found InOceans, lakes, rivers, wetlands
LifespanShort-lived (few weeks to months)
DietAlgae, organic matter
ReproductionOviparous, produce eggs in a protective shell
Conservation StatusNot applicable (invertebrate)

Ostracods, often called seed shrimp, are tiny crustaceans with a bivalve carapace resembling a clamshell. Their diverse habitats and adaptability make them important indicators of environmental conditions in aquatic ecosystems.


Scientific NameStruthio camelus
Special HabitTerrestrial, cursorial
Place of OriginAfrica (savannas, deserts)
SizeLargest and heaviest bird
Commonly Found InGrasslands, open landscapes
Lifespan30-40 years
DietOmnivorous, seeds, insects, small animals
ReproductionOviparous, lay largest eggs of any bird
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Ostriches are flightless birds but are incredible runners, capable of reaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour. They also have the largest eyes of any land animal, providing them with excellent eyesight to detect predators in their expansive habitats.


Scientific NameVarious species (e.g., Lutra, Lontra)
Special HabitAquatic, semi-aquatic
Place of OriginWorldwide (freshwater habitats)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InRivers, lakes, coastal areas
Lifespan10-15 years
DietFish, crustaceans, small mammals
ReproductionGive birth to live young
Conservation StatusVaries by species (some are threatened)

Otters are playful and social animals known for their playful sliding behavior on snow or mud banks. They use their strong tails to swim gracefully and have dense fur that traps air, providing buoyancy and insulation in cold water.


Scientific NameNot applicable (dog breed)
Special HabitScent hound, aquatic
Place of OriginEngland
SizeLarge (up to 27 inches tall)
Commonly Found InHomes, outdoor environments
Lifespan10-12 years
DietCommercial dog food, treats
ReproductionMating, average litter size of 6-8 puppies
Conservation StatusNot applicable (domesticated)

Otterhounds were specifically bred for otter hunting in medieval England. Known for their keen sense of smell and love for water, they excel in tracking scents near and in aquatic environments. Today, they make loyal and friendly family pets.


Scientific NameSeiurus aurocapilla
Special HabitTerrestrial, ground-nesting
Place of OriginAmericas (forests, woodlands)
SizeSmall (6-7 inches)
Commonly Found InUnderstory of forests
Lifespan3-4 years
DietInsects, small invertebrates
ReproductionGround nests, 3-6 eggs
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

The Ovenbird gets its name from its distinctive nest, resembling a Dutch oven. These birds are known for their unique “teacher, teacher, teacher” song, which gradually increases in volume, creating a melodious forest soundtrack.


Scientific NameVarious species (e.g., Oviraptor philoceratops)
Special HabitTerrestrial, bipedal
Place of OriginLate Cretaceous (Mongolia, China)
SizeMedium (up to 6.6 feet long)
Commonly Found InDeserts, plains, nesting areas
LifespanUnknown (extinct)
DietLikely omnivorous, eggs, small animals
ReproductionOviparous, nested in open areas
Conservation StatusExtinct (fossil)

Despite its name, Oviraptor likely did not steal eggs as previously thought. Fossil evidence suggests that the nests initially attributed to theft were actually Oviraptor nests, with the eggs belonging to the species itself.


Scientific NameVarious species (e.g., Tyto alba)
Special HabitNocturnal, silent flight
Place of OriginWorldwide (various habitats)
SizeSmall to large
Commonly Found InForests, grasslands, urban areas
LifespanVaries by species (up to 30 years)
DietCarnivorous, small mammals, birds
ReproductionOviparous, nests in trees, cliffs
Conservation StatusVaries by species (some are threatened)

Owls have specialized feathers that enable silent flight, allowing them to hunt stealthily. Their unique facial disc helps funnel sound to their ears, giving them exceptional hearing to locate prey in the dark.

Owl Butterfly

Scientific NameCaligo sp.
Special HabitNocturnal, mimicry
Place of OriginCentral and South America
SizeLarge (wingspan up to 8 inches)
Commonly Found InRainforests, wooded areas
Lifespan1-2 months (adult)
DietNectar, fruit, tree sap
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs on host plants
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (common in butterfly gardens)

Owl Butterflies are named for their large, owl-like eyespots on their wings. These patterns serve as a form of mimicry, deterring potential predators. Despite their nighttime-inspired name, they are primarily active during the day.

Owlfly (Ascalaphidae)

Special HabitAerial, predatory
Place of OriginWorldwide (various habitats)
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InMeadows, grasslands, forests
Lifespan1-2 months (adult)
DietInsects, small invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs in vegetation
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (insect)

Owlflies are not actually a mix of owls and flies but are a unique group of insects. They are skilled predators, resembling a blend of dragonflies and butterflies. Their distinct appearance and predatory habits make them fascinating members of the insect world.


Scientific NameBos taurus
Special HabitDomesticated, herbivorous
Place of OriginDomesticated worldwide
Commonly Found InFarms, rural areas
Lifespan15-25 years
DietHerbivorous, grasses, grains
ReproductionSexual reproduction, calving
Conservation StatusNot applicable (domesticated)

Oxen are domesticated cattle used primarily for work, such as plowing fields or hauling loads. Despite their robust appearance, they are known for their gentle disposition and are often considered valuable partners in agricultural tasks.


Scientific NameBuphagus sp.
Special HabitSymbiotic, perching on large mammals
Place of OriginSub-Saharan Africa
SizeSmall to medium
Commonly Found InGrazing areas, large mammals (e.g., buffalos)
Lifespan8-10 years
DietParasitic, feed on ticks and parasites
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs in tree holes
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (common in their habitats)

Oxpeckers are nature’s pest controllers. They form a symbiotic relationship with large mammals, feeding on ticks and parasites found on the animals’ skin. These birds act as living grooming stations, benefiting both the oxpeckers and their mammalian hosts.


Scientific NameVarious species (e.g., Crassostrea)
Special HabitSedentary, filter-feeding
Place of OriginWorldwide (marine habitats)
SizeVaries by species
Commonly Found InOyster reefs, coastal areas
Lifespan5-20 years (species-dependent)
DietFilter-feed on plankton
ReproductionOviparous, release larvae into water
Conservation StatusVaries by species (some are threatened)

Oysters play a crucial role in marine ecosystems. Not only are they a culinary delight, but their ability to filter water helps maintain water quality. Oyster reefs also provide essential habitats for various marine species.

Oyster Toadfish

Scientific NameOpsanus tau
Special HabitBottom-dwelling, nocturnal
Place of OriginWestern Atlantic (North America)
SizeMedium (up to 15 inches)
Commonly Found InShallow coastal waters, estuaries
Lifespan6-10 years
DietCarnivorous, small fish, invertebrates
ReproductionOviparous, lay eggs in nests
Conservation StatusNot evaluated (common in its range)

Oyster Toadfish are named for their distinctive toad-like appearance. They emit a series of grunting sounds, often mistaken for boat engines. Their nocturnal habits and unique vocalizations make them intriguing residents of coastal waters.

Ozark Bass

Scientific NameAmbloplites constellatus
Special HabitFreshwater, solitary
Place of OriginNorth America (Ozark region)
SizeMedium (up to 12 inches)
Commonly Found InStreams, rivers, lakes
Lifespan5-7 years
DietCarnivorous, small fish, insects
ReproductionOviparous, nest builders
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (IUCN)

Ozark Bass are skilled ambush predators known for their vibrant colors. Their speckled patterns serve as effective camouflage in their freshwater habitats. Anglers appreciate them for their sporty nature, making them a sought-after catch in recreational fishing.

To Wrap Up

And that wraps up our expedition with over 60 incredible animals that start with O! Each one has shared a piece of its unique story with us.

Let’s continue marveling at the amazing creatures around us and strive to be good stewards of their habitats.

About Sabrina Tulip

I'm Sabrina Tulip, and I have a deep passion for all things animal world. I'm committed to helping others who loves wild animals. Reach out to me at sabrina@animallists.com for gardening advice and tips. Let's make the world a little greener together!

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